Hot Girl Walks basically combine a form of exercise that won't completely drain you (walking), with self love and good mental health. It's simply putting on your favorite pair of sneakers, getting a nice playlist going, and taking a nature walk. That's it! The creator of this social media trend, the hot girl walk, is Mia Lind (aka @exactlyliketheothergirls on TikTok).
I personally hate exercising and everything that comes with it: the lethargy, the muscle aches, the hassle of finding a gym and forcing myself to go to it... Basically it's hard for a workout to impress me, but I've tried these walks and I can honestly say they're amazing! I free myself from the stress of the day (or prepare myself for the day if I go in the morning) and just take some time for myself to unwind. If I don't go for one day, I find myself feeling more tired than usual and my mood plummets from the lack of endorphins. Who knew working out can be a form of self love?!
Mia's only rule for going on this walk is to think about these 3 things, and these things ONLY: What you’re grateful for, what you hope to achieve, and how hot you are.
These walks aren't about time or distance, though Mia suggests 4 miles or 10,000 steps a day, they're about self love and taking some time out of your busy, autopilot day to do something for you. I can't describe the feeling of coming home after a walk where all I did was quiet my mind of my worries and move my body, (it doesn't hurt that I also lost some weight). Instead of sitting on the couch after work and hating myself for not being productive, I walk! Recommendation: While on your hot girl walk, grab a Temple Tape Sweatband to make your walk that much more comfortable.
Recommendation: While on your hot girl walk, grab a Temple Tape Sweatband to make your walk that much more comfortable!
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This exercise is just as much mental and emotional as it is physical. Therapists everywhere are loving this workout! Doctor Manish Mishra said that "walking is a good aerobic exercise that helps pump blood throughout the body... this not only improves the blood flow, but it also induces the release of endorphins. This leads to improvements in mood and life satisfaction."
Anytime you can cut out some time for yourself, go on a hot girl walk! Starting can be as easy as walking to the grocery store instead of driving and increasing the distance when you feel ready. The great thing about this workout is that there are no distance or time requirements, just walk until you don't want to anymore and build from there. The sole purpose of this walk is to FEEL GOOD, so don't kill yourself with crazy workout regimens that you don't have time for. Just start with a walk!
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